How to present visual tags in output that correspond to element attributes in a topic
Hi all,
We have a requirement to deliver context-sensitive content based on metadata on elements within a topic. One output is embedded into a third-party app and the correct content for each context is shown based on the metadata attributes. A custom XSLT is required to produce the right schema (i.e. we bypass DITA-OT processing entirely).
In PDF and XHTML, we need to show the content of all elements, with some visual way of describing their contexts. We use DITA-OT processing for these outputs.
DITA Europe 2008
Self on Help
Side-Entry to HTML tocjs Documnet
A question was raised recently on the Yahoo! DITA Users mailing list relating to linking via a URL to a specific page in a collection of HTML. The requirement was for the target page to open within the "tri-pane" frameset so that the table of contents was visible.
A number of solutions were mooted, but Martin Polley eventually came up with a solution to fitted the particular requirement (but not necessarily all requirements).
Martin added a function to the top-level frameset of the collection. The function contained the following code:
ISTC Communicator articles about DITA (2005-2007
Between 2005-2007 I wrote a "touching DITA" series of introductory articles about aspects of DITA use for the ISTC Communicator magazine. I attach the articles here in case they are of value to anyone in the DITA community. (Note that although much is still the same now, the DITA, the Open Toolkit, and Task Modeler have moved on a bit since the articles were published!)
1. ISTC Communicator Summer 2005 - DITA introduction.pdf