DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

What are inner and outer topics?

Several toolkit build files refer to inner and outer dita topics. For example, 

<target name="dita.topics.html" unless="noTopic" if="old.transform" description="Build HTML files from inner and outer dita topics,which will adjust the directory.

Any clue what that means?

DITA for Conditional Text (Webinar)

31 Oct 2008 - 12:30 - 14:00
Event Type: 

DITA, Metada, and Taxonomy

Joint meeting of the Central Texas DITA User Group and the RTP DITA Users' Group on September 24, 2008. Presentations by Mike Harris, Robert Berry, and Paul Arellanes (IBM).

DITA contains ready-to-go metadata structures, but what are best practices for using those solutions in a meaningful way for your writing teams? Learn what team members should know and who to identify to take on the tasks related to taxonomy definitions. Also decide how to identify those taxonomy definitions in your content management system (CMS).

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DITA for Technical Standards (DTS)

DTS Home Reference Page 

This is a proposed new subcommittee for enhancing DITA for use with standards development and publishing - 'A Standard for Standards'

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DITA Project Starter Kit


Are you new to the world of DITA? Have you read the various DITA primers available? If so, you are probably now raring to play with DITA.

Ahh.. writer's block! How do you get started? What and where are you supposed to write? A starting point into a small DITA project would be nice.

Here is a DITA project starter kit that you can use to experiment with DITA, create topics and try building various outputs. The DITA project starter kit contains the following:

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