DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.


Boston, MA, USA
29 Oct 2008 - 23:33 - 1 Nov 2008 - 01:00
Event Type: 

Design for implementing OASIS Item 12026

What user need will be met by this feature?

Users can define various glossary entries which serve as specific terms or acronyms. Such glossary entries will be expanded to appropriate form according to the context automatically.

What is the technical design for the change?

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OASIS Forms DITA for Technical Standards Subcommittee

Members of the OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Technical Committee have formed a new "DITA for Technical Standards Subcommittee" to enhance DITA for use with standards development and publishing. This would enable DITA to be used as 'A Standard for Standards'. The purpose of this Subcommittee is to further the capabilities of the OASIS DITA standards to define, maintain, and promote the use of DITA for the creation, maintenance, and support of technical standards specifications.

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tcworld conference 2008: empolis:Content Lifecycle Suite Version 3.4 provides plenty of new functionalities

(pressebox) Gütersloh, 14.10.2008 - At the tcworld conference 2008, empolis will provide insight into the newest empolis:Content Lifecycle Suite (e:CLS) version 3.4. The component content management system was expanded considerably in the area of rendition support and authentication.

About e:CLS

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Difference between referenz and concept?


I read the DITA Architectural and Language Specification and a book about topic orientate writing, but I still have the problem, that I often don’t know if I should write content in a reference or a concept topic. The examples often do not help me because I write documentation for machines and not only for software.

How have you learned that?

One example:

During the machine is running the user have to do some activities. I have a topic with the following content (in a table):

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