DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

The DITA Caper

FrameMaker and dita map

Working with FrameMaker, when you use the menu (DITA > New DITA File) and choose a topic type (topic, task, concept, reference), FrameMaker creates a new file that starts with the "dita" element.

 If you plan to create small FrameMaker files that will be components of longer files (such as several topics that will later be combined into a chapter file), note that you will need to ensure your component files do not start with the "dita" element. 

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Regression testing in the toolkit

Note: testsuite has been moved to https://github.com/dita-ot/testsuite

Regression testing with the toolkit

Note: This information is primarily of interest to toolkit developers and those creating plugins for the toolkit. For information on the toolkit itself, see The DITA Open Toolkit.

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Hosted by Microsoft: Key Note: JoAnn Hackos: Dynamic Single-source Publishing: Implementing DITA with Microsoft

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5 Sep 2008 - 11:00 - 02:30
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Help with conrefs

We are trying to set up and customize the DITA OTK. We can't get the conrefs to work. We have played around with the WORKDIR param, with no luck whatsover. We even placed all of the *.dita files into the same directory with no changes. All we get is an empty element in the output.


Any guidance would be appreciated.


DITA specialization question

Is there any possibility to override element with the same name

f.e: "section" element in topic module to  "section" element in my module with another structure?

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