DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Migration to DITA and CMS Implementation - A Work in Progress

Presentation by Chris Hadley and Noz Urbano at Xpubs 2008.

With over ten years of independently developed XML-based authoring processes to manage, and thousands of pages of help content needing to go to multiple output formats for various related products, the Micro Focus User Information team recognised the need to refresh an ageing and complex system to keep up with corporate growth and acquisitions. With sustainability and transferability of the new system as top priorities, Micro Focus defined an aggressive timescale to:

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Can't get <navtitle> to display in web output

Hello all,


I am authoring topics using Arbortext, and when I compose output for the web, my navtitles do not display in the navigation. The topics are defined in the map as such:

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(Design for implementing OASIS Item 12007)

Part of Plans for DITA Open Toolkit 1.5

Plans for implementing keyref linking in the DITA Open Toolkit


What user need will be met by this feature?

Users can use @keys in <topicref> to define keys and utilize those specified keys by @keyref and @conkeyref.

What is the technical design for the change

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Plans for the DITA Open Toolkit PDF2 Plug-in

Updates to the PDF processor in DITA-OT 1.5

This page contains updates specific to PDF output in version 1.5 of the DITA Open Toolkit. For other updates in version 1.5, see Plans for DITA-OT 1.5

The final build of DITA-OT 1.5 contains all of the fixes listed below for previous milestones, as well as many new items related to the PDF transform. Many of the updates to the PDF transform were not recorded at the time of release; those updates are listed here, but most initially appeared earlier in a milestone build:

XSLT Improvements

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TriSoft and Translation Mangement


Wondering if anyone out there has used the latest TriSoft SaaS model? Am interested in the translation management. Does the solution work? Does translation management mean further service purchase from SDL?


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