DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

12017 design

Design for 12017


Part of Plans for DITA Open Toolkit 1.5 

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oXygen XML Author

oXygen XML Author is a cross platform Visual XML Editor, based on the oXygen XML Editor.

It supports visual XML editing driven by CSS stylesheets for DITA, DocBook 4 and 5, TEI P4 and P5 and XHTML.

The DITA Maps Manager side panel allows viewing, editing and publishing of DITA map files. It acts also similar with a project manager allowing you to easily open different topics/concepts for editing. The toolbar, the contextual menu and drag and drop actions allow you to change the map content.

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Syncro Soft Announces New Release of Oxygen XML Editor

Syncro Soft Announces New Release of Oxygen XML Editor version 14.2

Release date: February 14, 2013

Syncro Soft, the developer of the Oxygen XML suite of products, announced the immediate availability of version 14.2 of its Oxygen XML Editor, Oxygen XML Author and Oxygen XML Developer products containing a comprehensive set of tools supporting all the XML related technologies.

Version 14.2 of oXygen XML Editor adds important features for both XML Development and XML Authoring.

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Resources for Beginners with the DMM

Michael Priestley of IBM and Amber Swope of JustSystems have prepared a Q&A about the DITA Maturity Model that will help you to understand it and get started.

DITA Maturity Model Q&A.


Installing OT on the Mac

The DITA Open Toolkit User Guide devotes a lot of attention to Windows
and Linux but gives Mac OS X scant attention. The brief Mac installation section on page 58 simply says

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