Members of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee have published a draft Statement of Purpose for an OASIS DITA Adoption Committee. The OASIS DITA Adoption Committee members will collaborate to provide expertise and resources to educate the marketplace on the value of the DITA OASIS Standard. By raising awareness of the benefits offered by DITA, the Committee increases the demand for and availability of DITA conforming products and services, resulting in a greater choice of tools and platforms and expanding the DITA community of users, suppliers, and consultants.
OASIS Members Propose Creation of DITA Adoption Committee
Inmedius® Introduces DITA Storm™ Desktop
Standalone, DITA Editor with Single Source Publishing
Inmedius DITA Storm™ Desktop
Standalone, DITA Editor with Single Source Publishing Users benefit from WYSIWYG editing capabilities while creating DITA documents in a self-contained environment on a single workstation. With an intuitive authoring environment and on-demand validation, authors with little or no XML or DITA knowledge can easily author DITA-compliant documentation. Installed locally on the end user’s computer, files are opened, edited, saved and published from a local or network drive, regardless of Internet connectivity. Inmedius® DITA Storm™
Quark Dynamic Publishing Solution
Quark announced that they are "Revolutionizing Publishing. Again" with the introduction of their Dynamic Publishing Solution.
The DPS is an integration of authoring, managing, and publishing tools that will likely cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and put Quark in competition with companies that offer automated publishing solutions. Their focus will not be tech docs, but high fidelity design/layout where dynamic content is required.
DITA Newsletter 1.10