DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Bob Doyle

DITA Tools from A to Z

I wrote the cover story for the special DITA issue of STC Intercom, April 2008. All the authoring tool vendors sent me licensed copies for testing.

Here is the tease for the story:

DITA's promise of topic-based structured authoring is not merely better documentation. lt is the creation of mission-critical information for your organization, written with a deep understanding of your most important audiences, that can be repurposed to multiple delivery channels and localized for multilingual global markets.

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STC Intercom Special DITA Issue

The April STC Intercom is all about DITA

It includes the following five articles

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DITA Standard Milestones

Significant milestones in the development and adoption of DITA include:

August 2007
DITA 1.1 is approved as OASIS Standard
This status signifies the highest level of ratification within the international standards consortium.

March 2006
OASIS Launches DITA XML.org.
The site combines the free expression of a wiki with stable background materials on the standard, as well as organized community postings on topical issues.

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Mini case: AMD implements IXIASOFT DITA CMS Framewor

Published in eContent magazine, this article describes what prompted AMD to move to a DITA strategy and implement IXIASOFT's DITA CMS Framework, an XML-based content management solution, to support their technical documentation process.

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IXIASOFT announces the availability of DITA CMS Framework v2.1

The latest version of IXIASOFT’s content management solution features new project management capabilities and an enhanced map editor for DITA bookmaps 

Montreal, Canada – April 7th 2008 – IXIASOFT, the XML content management market leader, today announced the availability of the DITA CMS Framework 2.1. With its new capabilities, the DITA CMS Framework fully supports DITA 1.1, provides technical communicators with advanced project management features and WYSIWYG support for DITA bookmaps. 

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