DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Is content management important?

Do you manage your content using a content management system?

The latest buzzword in content management systems (CMS) is "component content management."

Most web content management (WCMS) segment content at the web page. While this may be adequate for simple websites written by one or a few content contributors, it is not acceptable for websites whose pages act as portals to diverse kinds of content and interactivity.

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Making the Business Case for DITA

Content management
Content structure
Content reuse
Single source
Metadata markup
Conditional processing
Task-oriented and Minimalism

To make the business case for DITA, you must align its many powerful features with specific needs in your business or organization.

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Topic publishing and XREFs

Hi! I'm using xref to link another topic to the existing one; I use DITAOT to publish these topics using two ways: the first is to include both topics into the ditamap; the second is just to publish the first topic. The produced result is different: the link to the second topic is clickable and leads to the second topic included into the pdf as an internal element when a ditamap is used. But if I use just a topic for publishing the second topic is not included into the result pdf as an internal element.

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Drawing for a Free Ticket to DocTrain West

The drawing for a free ticket to the $995 DocTrain West Conference in Vancouver May 6-9 will close this Monday, April 21st.

To put your name in for the drawing, you must be a paying member of DITA Users ($50/year or $100/year members are eligible). http://www.ditausers.org

If you are already a member, simply send an email to us saying you will attend the conference if you win (we don't want such a valuable thing to go unused).

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Marking up code samples

When documenting programming languages we commonly include code snippets within the documentation to illustrate how to go about doing something. In HTML this would usually include <PRE> or <CODE> tags to inform the browser that we want to see this snippet in a non-proportional font with the white space preserved.

However, modern programming tools go one better and now markup this text with colour to assist with readability. So, rather than just displaying a block of black text they display something like this:

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