Comtech Services, Inc.
"Comtech Services has been an active participant in the development of the DITA standard, helping to found the OASIS DITA Technical Committee with IBM and others. Dr. JoAnn Hackos and staff have provided support for DITA through conferences, workshops, and presentations worldwide. We believe that DITA represents a new international standard for the development of consistent, effective, and minimal technical information."
XMetaL Author DITA Edition
XMetaL Author DITA Edition is the industry's first solution built exclusively for authoring DITA content. It combines all the powerful and productive features of XMetaL Author with new DITA-specific capabilities, including visual map editing, intuitive editing behaviors for DITA elements, drag-and-drop content references, and out-of-the-box integration with the DITA Open Toolkit for single-source publishing. (integration with content management systems; integration with DITA Open Toolkit; comprehensive DITA support.)
Astoria's XML content management solutions support the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) standard; DITA promotes content reuse and sharing and exchangability, as well as process automation. Astoria offers element level control and reuse, maximizing the benefits organizations can achieve by implementing the DITA standard.
Arbortext Editor
Arbortext Editor looks and works like familiar word processing software–yet provides all the power and flexibility you need. Arbortext Editor lets authors build compound documents out of reusable components, attach audience information to content for producing customized publications, and embed data from databases, business systems and other data sources. Authors can use Arbortext Editor to author business, technical and reference documents.