DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Altova XMLSpy

Altova XMLSpy® 2006 is the industry standard XML development environment for modeling, editing, debugging, and transforming all XML technologies, then automatically generating runtime code in multiple programming languages. XMLSpy® 2006 is the ultimate productivity enhancer for J2EE, .NET, Eclipse, and database developers that need the latest XML, Web services, and database technologies.

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Comtech Services, Inc.

As you should expect, Comtech Services has used DITA to create the Introduction to DITA: A Basic User Guide as a print publication. Each lesson in the tutorial begins with a concept topic. The tutorial lesson itself is a task topic, and the list of elements used in the lesson is a reference topic. Topics are referenced in section-level maps, which in turn are organized in a book-level map.

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"Nokia is pleased to see the standardization of DITA since it supports the effective exchange and reuse of information. We have contributed to developing an open standard in this area since this will enable organization of information by topic for a broad community."

Frederick Hirsch, Senior Architect

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Innodata Isogen

"DITA is a solid architectural base for developing modular information systems for technical documentation. It provides many of the important features that SGML architectures were intended to provide, but in an XML-friendly way. We see DITA as leading to more robust and sustainable systems for managing modular, re-usable information assets. In addition, DITA can lower the cost of entry for modular information creation, management, and delivery in much the way DocBook does for more traditionally-structured books."

W. Eliot Kimber, Senior Analyst

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Lionbridge Joins DITA Technical Committee

Lionbridge Technologies, Inc., (Nasdaq: LIOX - News), today announced that it has joined the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) working group as a member of the technical committee.

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