DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Cisco Systems, Inc., selects Stilo's Migrate for FrameMaker to DITA conversions

August 4, 2011, Swindon, United Kingdom – Stilo International (LSE:STL) has announced today that Cisco Systems, Inc., the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate, has placed an order for Migrate, the world's first cloud content conversion service.

The initial order is for the conversion of 20,000 pages of legacy Adobe® FrameMaker® content to the DITA standard. The Migrate service will help Cisco accelerate the roll-out of their DITA publishing plans across the organization.

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Conquering the Mountain of Legacy Data

10 Aug 2011 - 10:00 - 11:00
Event Type: 

DITA-OT Release 1.5.4

DITA Open Toolkit Version 1.5.4

Note: while the DITA Standard itself is owned and developed by OASIS, the DITA Open Toolkit is an independent, open sourceimplementation of the standard. 

DITA-OT 1.5.4 is a point release based on version 1.2 of the DITA Standard. The 1.5.4 release took place as a series of 3 week iterations, with each iteration ending in a Milestone build available for testing. The final 1.5.4 version was released December 15, 2011.

For full description of new features and fixed bugs, see 1.5.4 release notes.

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In pursuit of the ultimate techCom information architecture

How do you design for findability?

SeSAM is a design framework for technical communicators. Check out SeSAM (now on YouTube) if you are lacking an information modelling strategy on how to determine what type of information end users need and how to organize and classify content for findability; in practice how to design end user deliverables. SeSAM can complement your DITA strategy.

SeSAM is now unlocked on YouTube. For more info see: http://www.youtube.com/user/jonatanlundin

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Codex 1.2 Update Includes Expanded DITA Support

DITA support and time-saving shortcuts featured in first two Codex updates


TORONTO, Canada — July 5, 2011

Codex Systems today announced the release of Version 1.2 of Codex®, the groundbreaking editor that enables anyone to author XML-based DITA content easily and affordably. The update, available free to existing customers, provides support for Note, Codeblock, and Codeph elements and includes a number of time-saving features originally released in Version 1.1. A free trial is also available.

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