Resources provides a directory of educational materials and community-support tools for DITA.
I Column Like I CM: Lovely DITA, Meta Maid, Ready-made Metadata
EContentMag : By Bob Doyle
Integrating DITA at Idiom Technologies
ISTC Communicator articles about DITA (2005-2007
Between 2005-2007 I wrote a "touching DITA" series of introductory articles about aspects of DITA use for the ISTC Communicator magazine. I attach the articles here in case they are of value to anyone in the DITA community. (Note that although much is still the same now, the DITA, the Open Toolkit, and Task Modeler have moved on a bit since the articles were published!)
1. ISTC Communicator Summer 2005 - DITA introduction.pdf
Lessons From The Trenches: Is Doing It With DITA
In Lessons From The Trenches: Is Doing It With DITA Scott Abel of interviews Chris Hill of and explores the lessons his firm learned while implementing the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA).
Mini case: AMD implements IXIASOFT DITA CMS Framewor
Published in eContent magazine, this article describes what prompted AMD to move to a DITA strategy and implement IXIASOFT's DITA CMS Framework, an XML-based content management solution, to support their technical documentation process.
More DITA: Another Interesting Case Study
Gilbane Report Blog : Posted by Bill Trippe at September 23, 2005
Nesbitt - An Introduction to Dita
Scott Nesbitt has an article "An Introduction to DITA" at
Progress of DITA 1.3
On 17 December 2015, the DITA 1.3 specification was approved as an OASIS standard.
RELAX NG to DTD or XSD tools
Placeholder for a page to be developed that will include information about tools for generating DTD or XSD from RELAX NG source.
Specialize, but not right away
by Bruce Esrig, Information Architect
In order to adopt DITA, it is essential to take a position on specialization. What is the best way to start: by defining specialized types right away, or by using DITA without specialization until the right structures can be found?
Ideally, your content would be best if you could define its structure well in advance. But is this possible? Let’s look at how a typical adoption process might go.