OASIS Member
Services provides a central location for providers to describe available services that support DITA. Users are invited to share experiences or advice using the "add comment" link that appears at the bottom of each listing.
This directory is provided as a community resource and is not the result of any certification program or compliance testing. Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of their entries. OASIS encourages readers to evaluate this information independently.
Really Strategies, Inc.
Really Strategies provides comprehensive consulting and solutions for
DITA-based applications from specialists in DITA specialization design and implementation. Really Strategies' consultants are experts in the
application of DITA-based solutions for non-technical documentation
businesses (publishers, standards, business process documentation, etc.)
as well as for more traditional technical documentation applications.
DITA Users
DITA Users offers self-directed training in DITA from A to B - from Authoring to Building your DITA projects, then publishing them to web (XHTML), print (PDF) and Help (Eclipse).
Use the browser-based DITA Storm editor to author structured content in your own workspace folder.
You don't have to install anything or know XML to begin topic-based structured writing today. A modest investment will help you develop skills you can transfer to the top DITA XML Editors and XML Content Management Systems.
Comet Computer GmbH / Comet Communication GmbH
Comet is the market leader in Germany for technical documentation. Our strength is optimized time-to-market for even the most challenging timeframes.
As a full-service provider of technical documentation solutions, Comet offers:
- Print and online documentation
- Localization and translation
- Single-source publishing
- Training courses
- Consulting
- Resale of best-in-class documentation tools
We work to ensure that your documentation is a success.
Group Wellesley, Inc.
Group Wellesley, Inc. provides DITA training, customization, and consulting support. We have delivered DITA seminars in the United States and in Europe.
Comtech Services, Inc.
Comtech Services, Inc. provides a full-range of training, consulting, and support for any group considering a move to DITA. We offer a workshop series including DITA Getting Started, in addition to our regular offerings in structured writing, minimalism, and content management implementation. JoAnn Hackos, Comtech President, the industry's leading expert in information architecture, creates consulting arrangements that lead to information architecture, process redesign, and leadership in change management.