Open toolkit

The following is a list of pages on this site that are tagged with open toolkit.

File and folder naming

Although the DITA standard itself does not set rules about file and folder naming, the DITA Open Toolkit has strict requirements for file and folder names. Problems with file and folder names may cause publishing to fail.

It is best to set guidelines about file and folder naming conventions before you start creating references such as <topicref>s in maps, as references include file names and folder paths.

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Working with images

Image formats

The DITA Open Toolkit is currently designed to automatically process a specific set of image formats. You can use images in any format with DITA, such as Visio files. However, using formats not supported by the Open Toolkit will generally require some custom development work.

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Supported output formats

The DITA Open Toolkit can produce output in the following formats:

  • PDF, through XSL-FO
  • Microsoft Compressed HTML Help
  • Eclipse Help
  • Java Help
  • Rich Text Format


It can also be extended to produce output in arbitrary formats.


See Portuguese translation of this page.

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Getting started

Getting started with DITA requires a multi-step process:

  • Understand the topic-based architecture underlying the DITA model.

    Topic-based authoring is the basis of DITA. In order to understand the best approach to DITA, first understand how to work with topics and structured writing.

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DITA-OT design documents

DITA-OT design documents

This document is a jump-off point for sub-pages dedicated to particular DITA-OT design issues. 

Active design documents:

Active design should use the DITA Open Toolkit Design Document Template

Previous design documents for items no longer under development: Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I