XMetal problem--doesn't recognize DTD


I've been using XMetal 4.6 Author to write and edit topics in DITA for a couple of months. Earlier this week I replaced my computer. After installing XMetal to my new computer, to my astonishment I found that it isn't working as expected with the DTD.

When I now try to open a topic, I get a message saying it can't find the DTD. As prompted by the message interface, I browse to <install folder>/Blast Radius/XMetal 4.6/Author/Dita/Rules/... since that is the location of the DTD referenced in the file: ditabase.DTD.

I click OK and then get a series of messages saying XMetal can't find the ENT and MOD files that are in fact present in the same folder as ditabase.DTD. I browse to and select each file in turn, then get a message from XMetal saying there's a general error in the DTD. And that's it, XMetal wants no more to do with me and I'm left wondering what I could have said or done to offend it.

The version I've installed is identical to the one that I was working with smoothly on my old machine. The operating system, however, has gone from Windows 2000 Server to Windows 2003 Server. Could XMetal have some bug with that OS? I can't find any information on platform support at www.XMetal.com. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

- Tom Storer
Windows 2003 Server has not been tested and is currently unsupported for XMetaL Author and XMetaL Author DITA Edition. It has not been tested because we feel most users do not have this operating system installed on their desktop and we have had very few requests to support it.

The current versions of Windows that XMetaL Author runs on are Windows 2000 (preferably SP4) and Windows XP (preferably SP2). XMetaL Author DITA Edition uses XMetaL Author as a platform and both products are affected similarly by differences in behaviours between Windows versions.

XMetaL Author system requirements are listed here: http://www.xmetal.com/en_us/products/xmetal_author/system_requirements.x

Support for XMetaL products (questions like this) can be requested here: http://www.xmetal.com/en_us/support/contact/index.x

~ Derek Read
   Program Manager, XMetaL
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