dita-users Yahoo! Group
keyref through topicref to submap?
Is it possible to keyref content through submaps when the key is defined on the topicref to the submap? I have a map (main.ditamap) with a topicref to one
Re: Video of CIDM keynote speech
Are there going to be more videos of CIDM? I live on the left coast and unfortunately could not make it. There were many interesting topics, and I would love
Video of CIDM keynote speech
Will anyone be uploading a video of the keynote speech? I'd like to share it with my team.
Is there value in a mechanism to override the vars files?
I'm getting ready to send the localization files out for translation into more languages. As I've been prepping them it's been kind of difficult to sync them
Re: Prereq heading not displaying in xhtml output
Yes, that was it, exactly. And it's pulling from my strings file. Now onto the next battle -- a workaround for IE's "ignore" of self-closing tags. (Renders the
Re: Styling notes in tables differently in PDF output
Hi Angelina, Try this for your xsl:when XPath expression. ancestor::*[contains(@class, ' task/choicedesc ')] Or, if you want the processing to affect all notes
Re: Prereq heading not displaying in xhtml output
Are you using the appropriate DITA-OT parameter? Setting the args.gen.task.lab el parameter to YES tells the DITA-OT to generate the labels specified in the
Re: Prereq heading not displaying in xhtml output
Ah. Found the info I need in this thread, the thread title just threw me off is all: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/dita-users/message/10952
Re: Goodbye DITA, Hello docutils
Good luck. I hope you find a publishing pipeline that serves your needs!
Re: Prereq heading not displaying in xhtml output
Thanks for that info, Ray. My prereq content is actually much more simple than that--just a single paragraph element. -- Mike
Re: Prereq heading not displaying in xhtml output
Mike, For you info, I just found out if you applying this sort of note element, right after , for example: You must be
Re: EPUB covers for multiple versions of docs using DITA4Publishers
There are several ways to define the cover for an EPUB, including providing a run-time option. cover.graphic.file. You can also use the topicref specialization
Goodbye DITA, Hello docutils
I'm leaving DITA for docutils (http://docutils.sourceforge.net/) As a personal project I'm transforming over 100 theology books (10000+ pages) to a format
Styling notes in tables differently in PDF output
Hello, I'm trying to style notes differently when they appear in tables. To start I'm working on notes that occur in choicetable (or more specifically chdesc).
Re: EPUB covers for multiple versions of docs using DITA4Publishers
If you can filter on the data element, then: version1cover.png
Prereq heading not displaying in xhtml output
Hi, everyone -- I'm using the DITA-OT v1.6.3 and outputting my DITA 1.1 map/topics to xhtml. For some reason my "Prerequisites" heading is not coming out in
EPUB covers for multiple versions of docs using DITA4Publishers
I process a DITA map with different DITAVALs and slightly different transformations to produce multiple versions of a document in EPUB format. I'd like these
Re: Links from PDF to PDF
Makita-san, Thanks for the pointer--I think I'm starting to understand the XSL-FO details that need to be in place to generate the kind of link I'm trying to
Re: dita-xliff: dita to xliff transformation problem : Error at xsl:
Hi Todd, You should try running the transformation from Oxygen after you integrate the plugin:
Re: Publishing mobile-friendly web help
Hi all, We updated the page that previews the upcoming oXygen mobile-friendly webhelp http://oxygenxml.com/doc/m to include also the DITA specification, which