dita-users Yahoo! Group
Re: Links from PDF to PDF
... Hi, there is a lot of black magic involved in links between PDF files. It depends on many factors, what I recall: - Some FO engines drop unreferenced IDs,
Re: Links from PDF to PDF
This is written in Formatter online manual. http://www.antennahouse.com/product/ahf60/docs/ahf-ext.html#IDAMYOIB Regards,
dita-xliff: dita to xliff transformation problem : Error at xsl:elem
Hi, I'm trying to use DITA-XLIFF.v.0.2. following the advice in DITA-XLIFF_readme.txt, I do : cd oxygen-XML-Author-14/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/plugins unzip
Re: index-sort-as... (bump)
Thanks Joe. Yes, it's specifically the 2-level (or more) situation that I'm working with. DITA-FMx supports the first level, but doesn't do anything useful
Re: Links from PDF to PDF
I got this to work a little over a year ago but its tricky. It will take a while to explain but I get successful pdf-to-pdf links that go to the right page in
Re: Change customizations or build plugin for DITA-OT
The "dita.xsl.strings" adds strings to HTML-based conversions, for PDF the generated string configuration is different. You need to have a string configuration
Re: Change customizations or build plugin for DITA-OT
Thanks. I feel like I'm missing a piece to the puzzle. I created a basic pdf ant script for my build. I am trying to run a simple change of changing the note
Re: Links from PDF to PDF
Dear Mr. Kimber, One of my user is using ineter book links between PDF files via AH Formatter. In the stylesheet the fo:external-link and destination are
Re: Publishing mobile-friendly web help
left/right swipe navigation? very handy for someone with think green fingers like me. ;-) swiping along... -- Yves Barbion www.scripto.nu
Re: Publishing mobile-friendly web help
Thanks Yves, I forgot to mention that you can access the previous/next navigation also using left swipe and right swipe. Best Regards, George -- George
Re: Publishing mobile-friendly web help
Hi George I have just tested your mobile-friendly webhelp samples on my Android phone and they look really great! I can hardly wait for the next oXygen
Re: Publishing mobile-friendly web help
Hi Don, You may be interested to add also the oXygen mobile-friendly webhelp to that list. This will be generally available in the next oXygen release in a
CIDM presentation
Here are the slides from my CIDM presentation from today if anyone is interested. I'm not sure how useful they are without the talking points but if anyone has
Re: share localization variables files across PDF customization fold
Leigh I would suggest you look to implement ' xsl:include ' instruction in your set of XSL stylesheet, which probably meets what you want. For example:
Re: Links from PDF to PDF
Hi Eliot, I just found out tips with regard to PDF viewing in Safari. Here is a link: http://forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-166547.html with some
Re: share localization variables files across PDF customization fold
Are they all in the same folder? Can you put them all in the same folder, then import/include the necessary files? It sounds like you *want* them to be
Re: incorporate regular expression into xsl:if
Thank you, Anders! This appears to work beautifully. Best, Leigh
ANN: Master Class DITA in One Day, June 12 in Utrecht, The Netherlan
ANN: Information Energy presents a one day DITA training, June 12 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. If you have a zero experience with DITA, but want to get started
Re: Links from PDF to PDF
Not knowing what your XSL looks like (and being an absolute beginner at it anyway), my guess is that you'll need more than /F. Most likely you'll need to use
Re: Links from PDF to PDF
What I've discovered so far is: - If you use a file reference (/F in the Fileref dictionary in the PDF) the Acrobat will open the file, but it is treating the