dita-users Yahoo! Group
Re: reuse topics by changing product or ui element names in complex
Thanks for the responses. Neither of these solutions are really options for me right now, given timeline and current configurations. So I will just have to
Re: Does DITA make sense as middleware only?
By custom middle layer, you mean the XML blobs in RDBMS, right? In our current setup, authors write in Word, then my team converts that content to DITA as part
Re: Does DITA make sense as middleware only?
For many of our Publishing clients we (RSI Content Solutions) use DITA-based XML as the XML representation of content that is authored in Word (mostly) and
Re: fo:Table-row is missing child elements. Required content model:
This table looks fine to me. I ran it through the OT as a reference topic and had no issues with it. What topic type(s) are you using? You mentioned you pulled
Re: fo:Table-row is missing child elements. Required content model:
To troubleshoot this problem, make sure your build doesn't clean up the temporary files and inspect the .fo file (as I recall, it's now something like
Re: incorporate regular expression into xsl:if
Leigh I am not certain about your set of xslt setup, if its 2.0 based, more sophisticated regular expressions are supported. However, I am not sure how
Fwd: Re: [dita-users] Re: Problem with images in PDF output
Alex How well are you dealing with the problem? Or Solved maybe?are you able to locate that string in question? Cheers ... ·¢¼þÈË£º"team wise"
Does DITA make sense as middleware only?
Hi. Sorry for another hypothetical question, but I think it is very worthwhile to gather community opinions first. What do you think are the main benefits of
Re: DITA for maintenance documentation
Hi Yves, We recently deployed a DITA implementation for an aerospace/defense company for aircraft maintenance manuals and workcards. The style sheets we
Re: Starting second DITA project
Thanks, Shane, Julio, and Leigh! Your comments help a great deal. Shane, you said that the integrator modifies the toolkit's files to add or remove plugin
Re: incorporate regular expression into xsl:if
Hi, Leigh, This doesn't solve your problem, but hopefully it explains why you're having a problem. Xpath's regular expression implementation does not have
incorporate regular expression into xsl:if
I'm trying to add a rule to the QA plugin to flag possible passive constructions. I've created a regular expression that works as well as possible:
Re: Starting second DITA project
(This is a really long response--but not as long as it could be :-) Settle in, get a coffee....) I'm going to take a stab at the integrator question. The
Re: Starting second DITA project
Sorry Earl, been a bit busy. The customization.dir property is either set as a property in your plugin or, in your case, as a argument when you build the file.
Re: Trouble getting going with Dita4Publishers
Silvio I am glad to hear that. Ray ? 2013-4-11 ??6:19?"silster71" ??? ... Silvio I am glad to hear that. Ray ?
Re: Trouble getting going with Dita4Publishers
Thanks a lot, Ray! This solved my problem. Apparently it needed to find the dost.jar file in the lib directory. Many thanks again! Best regards, Silvio
DITA for maintenance documentation
Hi group I'm doing some research about maintenance documentation. Is there anyone who's using DITA to write maintenance manuals? I'm interested in samples,
Re: Starting second DITA project
A very high level answer about the integrator process: It adds your plugin's extension points to the appropriate XSL templates in the open toolkit, or removes
Re: Creating hazard statements (possibly to conref)
The relative positioning of elements when you author content in DITA does not necessarily indicate the positioning of elements when the deliverable is
Re: Starting second DITA project
Thanks, Leigh and Julio! Yes, I am using an "older" version of the DITA-OT: 1.5.2. I guess one of the reasons that I'd like to understand and clean up our