DITA Newsletter 1.3

DITA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3, October, 2007
Features in this issue (see the web version at www.ditanewsletter.com)
- DITA User Group Meetings
- Adobe Technical Communication Suite
- DocZone pricing scheme
- WebWorks ePublisher Platform
- Upcoming DITA Events
Speaker: Rob Hanna, Director of Professional Services at SiberLogic Inc.
Date: October 4, Thursday, at 7:00pm
Location: IBM Software Lab, 8200 Warden Ave Markham ON (nearest major intersection is Hwy 7 and Warden) Boston DITA User Group, October 18Topic: Bookmaps in DITA 1.1
If you are publishing DITA content to pdf, the bookmap specialization in DITA 1.1 may be a good choice for you. Come learn about what the specialization supports, see a demo on how to design and create a bookmap, and discuss best practices for using bookmaps to generate output.
Speaker: Amber Swope, Principal Consultant Justsystems na.justsystems.com
Date: Thursday, October 19, 2007 at DocTrain East 2007, Doubletree Hotel, 50 Warren Street, Lowell, MA 01852
Reception at 5PM.
The presentation starts at 6:30PM.
Optional dinner with Amber after the presentation
Please RSVP to editor@cmsreview.comBoulder-Denver DITA User Group October 25 Topic: DITA Linking and Relationship Tables
Speaker: Scott Stark, of IBM. Scott Stark is an Associate Information Developer for IBM's software group, providing technical and strategic support for authoring tools and DITA.
When: Thursday, October 25, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Where: Sybase, 3665 Discovery Drive, Boulder, CO 80303 and remotely by Web/phone
Watch the DITA.XML.org User Groups page for future meetings.

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Adobe Technical Communication Suite Adobe will release a new tool suite later this month with DITA integration. It combines the just released FrameMaker 8, RoboHelp 7 (the second release of RoboHelp this year and proof of Adobe's commitment to maintaining their user assistance tool as a market leader), Captivate 3 (also recently released and filling the eLearning hole left by Macromedia Authorware), and Acrobat 8 (with its extraordinary ability to integrate 3D files that can be viewed in interactive 3D in the latest Acrobat Readers).
The Technical Communication Suite is fully multilingual with Unicode support throughout. Not only are font menus showing options in the font itself, menus and other options display in their native languages.
You can include Help in FrameMaker projects, eLearning in RoboHelp and in Frame, 3D animations in Help and Frame and in PDF documents, RoboHelp screen captures from Frame, etc, etc. All the tools include direct access to aspects of the others from within the tool. You do not have to leave one tool to "Edit with…" another tool. And no longer are conversions needed to reuse assets.
If you reuse some Frame content in a RoboHelp project, and then update the Frame document, it automatically updates in your RoboHelp. This is meaningful single-sourcing without XML includes or DITA conrefs (though it is outside the DITA standard).
FrameMaker 8 claims better XML roundtripping and better integration with Office 2007, which may provide an alternate path to migrate documents in Word format to structured FrameMaker and then to DITA.
It's like one big toolset for technical communicators and for instructional designers.
Dorothy Hoskins comments:
If you want the nice visual presentation you are accustomed to in FM for your DITA XML content, you will be generally pleased with FM 8's DITA capabilities for PDF content. The way to get your corporate look is to edit your FM-DITA EDDs. If you are not familiar with EDD development, I strongly suggest using an EDD consultant like Lynne Price, Alan Houser, Brightpath Solutions, Scriptorium (please add others that you know do good work). It certainly is miles better than trying to tweak the DITA Open Toolkit's XSL-FO. Or take a look at http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FrameMaker /8.0/structapp_dev.pdf.
Quadralay WebWorks ePublisher Platform Earlier releases of FrameMaker were bundled with Quadralay WebWorks to provide the HTML output. Now that FrameMaker includes HTML among its many output formats, Quadralay has just released the latest version of ePublisher, which it calls a "publishing platform." It has considerable support for the DITA structured publishing standard and can merge DITA XML documents with FrameMaker and Word content to make a single online deliverable. Quadralay says ePublisher:Information developers everywhere are being told to cut the volume, reduce costs for translation, make information more easily accessible, and provide only what audiences need to know. The Minimalism workshop gives you specific guidelines for evaluating your information and making the right decisions to reduce the volume. But the Minimalism workshop is not about cutting the verbiage alone. We focus on what readers really need to know. Taught by Bill Gearhart.
http://www.comtech-serv.com/workshops/index.shtml or call 303-232-7586.
DITA Users members contact Lovonya Thomas at lovonya@comtech-serv.com to receive a 10% member discount. October 4-6, 2007 DITA East 2007, in Raleigh, North Carolina. DITA 2007™-East, the third BrightPath North American conference of DITA users, brings together experts from around the globe for a conference designed to help attendees leverage the power of the Darwin Information Typing Architecture OASIS Standard.http://www.travelthepath.com/conf/ditaeast.shtml
DITA Users members receive a 10% member registration discount using code DITA USERS. October 9-10, 2007 Managing Your Documentation Projects, in Golden, Colorado. How will we meet the deadline for the project? Our staff is stretched to the limit. Can we maintain our quality standards without stressing everyone? The Managing Documentation Projects workshop gives you the tools to maintain your sanity and still get the work done.Information planning, resource and schedule estimating, project tracking, and content planning activities in the workshop give you the information you need to communicate with management and define a documentation project that meets deadlines, maintains quality, and works within resource constraints. Taught by Bill Gearhart and Bill Hackos.
http://www.comtech-serv.com/workshops/index.shtml or call 303-232-7586.
DITA Users members contact Lovonya Thomas at lovonya@comtech-serv.com to receive a 10% member discount. October 16-20, 2007 DocTrain East 2007 in Lowell, Massachusetts. The theme of the 8th Annual Documentation & Training East Conference is Advancing Your Career. The event is designed to help you improve the skills and expertise you'll need to future proof your career and improve your value as a professional technical communicator. October 22-26, 2007 JoAnn Hackos will hold her DITA Boot Camp in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Hosted by XyEnterpriseIn the DITA Boot Camp program you'll get the core values of
- Structured Authoring
- Information Modeling
- Minimalism
- Business process change
- DITA details and implementation
Taught by JoAnn Hackos.
DITA Users members contact Lovonya Thomas at lovonya@comtech-serv.com to receive a 10% member discount.November 13-14, 2007 DITA Europe Conference 2007 JoAnn Hackos' CIDM and OASIS will hold the 3rd Annual 2007 DITA Europe Conference at the Stanhope Hotel in Brussels, Belgium. The conference will be held November 13-14. Meet publications professionals who have implemented DITA in their organizations and hear from representatives of key tools vendors who are actively supporting the DITA community.
DITA Europe gives you many opportunities to learn about DITA from people who are in the midst of their own implementations. Learn the benefits of managing information as topics and the pitfalls to avoid for success. Come away with an understanding of what DITA is, how it can improve your technical information, and what tools you will need to bring all of this together.
November 27-29, 2007Gilbane Conference on Content Management Technologies
Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA
See the DITA News Events Calendar for more events. About DITA Newsletter DITA Newsletter is published by DITA News, one of a network of websites in support of DITA. It will be available online at www.ditanewsletter.com. Each of our websites is optimized for some community-oriented function. DITA Users - helping members get started with topic-based authoring using a web-based editor (DITA Storm ), the Open Toolkit on the server, a personal workspace folder on the web, and a private member directory to locate other DITA Users.ditausers.org
DITA Infocenter - the DITA architectural and language specifications, and the OT User Guide, in an Eclipse Help format.
DITA News - a blog aggregator, a mailing list, and this newsletter on DITA.
DITA Blog - a group blog for DITA information developers (based on WordPress).
DITA Wiki - over 600 pages of resources in a format that encourages comments and discussions (based on MediaWiki).
and a couple of other sites to come soon, including
DITA Tutor - a set of self-paced and instructor-led DITA Tutorials (based on a Moodle LMS)
- Bob Doyle's blog
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