Resource Directory

Get Ready for DITA: Bypass Four Costly Roadblocks

A white paper by Innodata Isogen -- Get Ready for DITA: Bypass Four Costly Roadblocks -- describes how companies can adopt DITA by first overcoming four roadblocks that could cause delays and cost overruns that ultimately offset the overall benefits of the implementation.

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The Content Wrangler Community - A Social Network for Content Pros

The Content Wrangler Community is the new social network dedicated to people who value content as a business asset, worthy of being effectively managed. This is the place where technical communicators, medical and science writers, marketing pros, online community managers, document engineers, DITA gurus, information architects, localization and translation pros, taxonomists, bloggers, documentation and training managers, and content creators of all types hang out. It's much more than a blog.

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Reuse 1.1

From DITA Europe 2007 - an overview of updated reuse capabilities in DITA 1.1

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DITA Reuse Strategies

From STC 2005

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DITA topic specialization: Analyze your content and build a specialized DTD

Many resources are available to explain what Darwin Information Typing
Architecture (DITA) topic specialization is and the syntax to implement
it, but you still might be wondering "I have some content that might be a
candidate for topic specialization. What's next?" This tutorial
walks you through a series of steps to evaluate your content's suitability
for different DITA topic types, specialize one of those types, and test
your specialization using the DITA Open Toolkit.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I