General DITA questions

Refering another dita file in step tag

Hi ,

I am trying to create PDF using DITA  OT 1.5

 I have some steps in a dita file. But now i need to invoke another dita file from this dita file.

For example

<!-- StepFile1.dita --> 


   <step ........................../>

   <step ........................./>    

<!-- This is nested step file, which will be similiar to StepFile1.dita(current) file, which will in turn contains some steps -->

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MathML support & rendering



can someone explain me, how to use MathML in Dita the right way?

Tried with  and the <math> tag, which is specialized from <foreign>.

My dita file uses a task with inline mathml by <math>. With DITA OT 1.5.1 and the Idiom FO Plugin, the equations aren't rendered or the Build fails, in case of dita2PDF.


Maybe you got some links / hints for me.




how can i add a custom attribute to topicref ?

I want to add a new custom attribute to "topicref".

Is it possible ?

 Simply, If i add a new attribute to DTD ?

 sorry i've a poor english. thanks to read. 

Newbie General Question

Dear All,


I am new to DITA and I would like some pointers on good sites with information and background on DITA and best practices.


Any help and/or advice would be welcome


Thank you



Specialize Task Topic with New Element: Start at Topic Level and Not Task Level?

I want to create a type of task topic that contains an element that the DITA model task topic does not seem to have. My first thought is to start with a task topic and specialize it to contain the new element. But then I read that a specialization must be more restrictive than its parent.  So if I want to add a new element that does not exist in the parent task topic, does that mean I have to create a specialization at the same level as the model DITA task topic instead of as a child of the DITA task topic? Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I