General DITA questions
How to creat plugin
Hi guys,
I am working with DITA OT. And I want to creat a DITA OT plugin. But I don't know how to do. Is anyone know how to do this? Or are there some documentations about this?
In the plugin dir there are some plug-ins, I had read some of the plugin.xml but, I still don't know how to do this.
Thanks a lot.
IBM Lotus Quickr and DITA?
Hi group
Has anyone used IBM Lotus Quickr for collaborative authoring of DITA content? Does IBM Lotus Quickr support DITA-structured content?
Yves Barbion
DITA vs. S1000D?
Hi group
I'm looking for comparisons between DITA and S1000D which provide answers to the following questions:
* What are compelling reasons for using S1000D instead of DITA if you're not in the aeroSpace or defence industry?
* What editors and CMSs currently support S1000D?
* Rumour has it that S1000D is more complex than DITA, but how much more complex exactly?
* Are there any DITA2S1000D transformations available somewhere?
Automated Testing Tools for ArborText Editor
We have started using ArborText Editor to do web based edits for our content. As part of the testing group, we are trying to figure out if there are any testing tools that we can use to do automated testing for content edits in ArborText.
We are using tools like Selenium. Do you know of any tools that will work with ArborText?
Could you please provide me with some suggestions?
Does any one know whether we could use DITA to generate HTML5 files? HTML5 now gains more and more support from major browsers. Can we customize the DITA Open Toolkit to do that?