General DITA questions

Can't get <navtitle> to display in web output

Hello all,


I am authoring topics using Arbortext, and when I compose output for the web, my navtitles do not display in the navigation. The topics are defined in the map as such:

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Can't get action='flag' to work for conditional text

I'm new to DITA and have been trying to use conditional text in the DITA Open Toolkit.  I can get the 'include' and 'exclude' actions to work with no issues.  When I use the 'flag' action, the conditional text appears or disappears as desired, however, the 'flag' text does not appear.  By 'flag' text, I mean the text that is supposed to be prepended to the conditional text.

I've searched and searched on the web and tried all possible variations of the 'prop' element with action='flag' but I just can't get it to work.

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I have an automated script running ant, but the some operations I do , need to type the command, give the answers.
If I have something like this:

ant -f file.xml -t pdf -o output_example ...
Where t=target, o=output...

And the other options.
Doing that, I could run ant without someone typing need.

DITA Europe 2008?

Is there any information available about where and when DITA Europe 2008 will be organized this year?

It was mentioned in the Conference Proceedings of last year's conference that DITA Europe 2008 would also take place in November and in Brussels, Belgium. Is this still correct? Any further details known yet?


XSLT transformation problem

I have a DITA topic which I am transforming into another topic.  I do this with XLST v1. using the javax.xml.transform classes.  When I use <xsl:copy />, the output document has xmlns:ditaarch= atrributes on the elements being copied.  The Open Toolkit ( does not allow this to build.  How can I either prevent the attribute, or tell the OT to allow it.  I have tried adding name space to the style sheet,changing the default name space of the style sheet but cannot prevent the namespace attribute appearing in at least 1 element.

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