DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.
DITA vs. S1000D?
Forum topic: Submitted by Yves Barbion on Sat, 2010-06-12 14:49.
Hi group
I'm looking for comparisons between DITA and S1000D which provide answers to the following questions:
* What are compelling reasons for using S1000D instead of DITA if you're not in the aeroSpace or defence industry?
* What editors and CMSs currently support S1000D?
* Rumour has it that S1000D is more complex than DITA, but how much more complex exactly?
* Are there any DITA2S1000D transformations available somewhere?
Overview of the DITA Open Toolkit
Event: Submitted by jgelb on Thu, 2010-06-10 13:01.
Wed - EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)Date:
22 Jun 2010 - 14:00Event Type:
WebinarMoving ahead with XSL-FO Style Sheet Customizations
Event: Submitted by alankomet on Thu, 2010-06-10 12:16.
Web - EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)Date:
7 Jul 2010 - 14:00Event Type:
WebinarUnderstanding and Configuring the FO Plug-in for Generating PDF Files: Part II
Event: Submitted by alankomet on Thu, 2010-06-10 12:12.
Web - EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)Date:
6 Jul 2010 - 14:00Event Type:
ConferenceUnderstanding and Configuring the FO Plug-in for Generating PDF Files: Part I
Event: Submitted by alankomet on Thu, 2010-06-10 12:07.
Web - EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)Date:
30 Jun 2010 - 14:00Event Type: