DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Single-Sourcing Blog

Faster ROI through Socialization

While writing my review of the PTC/User conference last month, I couldn't help thinking about the CMS/DITA NA 2010 conference that had happened two months earlier.

At the 2010 CMS/DITA NA conference, there was a major shift in awareness. For the first time, there was little talk of tools, and a lot of talk the importance of business issues, especially the importance of organizational socialization:

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Acolada: Sirius CMS

Sirius DITA is an XML content management system. It brings together in one application the proven Sirius CMS technology and the DITA standard. Sirius DITA is scalable and ready-to-use solution for all beginners in DITA documentation as well as for all those who you want to a professional DITA based solution.

Sirius DITA allows you to fully explore the potentials of the DITA standards. Sirius DITA takes over:

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Slave blog

this is my first entry , just jhoing community

DITA-OT Release 1.5.2

DITA Open Toolkit Version 1.5.2

Note: while the DITA Standard itself is owned and developed by OASIS, the DITA Open Toolkit is an independent, open source implementation of the standard. 

Version 1.5.2 of the DITA Open Toolkit is now available!

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IBM Lotus Quickr and DITA?

Hi group

Has anyone used IBM Lotus Quickr for collaborative authoring of DITA content? Does IBM Lotus Quickr support DITA-structured content?


Yves Barbion
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