Topic Based Authoring Workshop with Linda Urban
Implementing Context-Sensitive Help - Technology isn't the only challenge
Creating a successful context-sensitive help solution requires the
cooperation and respect of two groups which have a history of poor
working relations: Development and Technical Publications. Each group
has an established "best practice", i.e. "the way", that ensures a
successful deliverable. Tension comes from an unwillingness to
compromise on those established practices. Compromise means change,
change that will either enable the creation of useful customer solutions
or change that results in broken builds, failure, and finger pointing.
OASIS DITA TC Help Subcommittee Dita Help Technologies Guide (Draft)
This document is a working draft from March 2009 developed by the OASIS DITA TC Help Subcommittee to support DITA content developers in producing various forms of online Help.
Stan Doherty
OASIS TC Help Subcommittee, Secretary
Editor, DITA Help Technologies Guide
DITA Help Discussion and Demo: Central Texas DUG (May 26, 2010)
In this presentattion and demo, Stan Doherty of the OASIS DITA TC Help Subcommittee updated the Boston, Raleigh, and Central Texas DUGs about current R&D in the area of DITA-based Help authoring and deployment.