DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Design for Item 12031 CVF support in DITA OT

Note: This is a design discussion about how to implement Controlled Values Files - a major item in the upcoming DITA 1.2 standard - within the DITA Open Toolkit. For information about this new OASIS feature, please see the approved proposal here:
along with the post-approval clarifications:


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E-book Offering Helps Introduce DITA to New Writers and Implementers

I am very excited about the new e-book we have produced for the Introduction to DITA. Those who already have a paper version might want to consider the electronic version to support cutting and pasting the XML markup. Others might find this an innovative way to get started using DITA in their organizations.

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Electronic version of Introduction to DITA

Comtech Services, with the assistance of Eurofield Information Solutions, has released an electronic version of the popular Introduction to DITA. The eCompress version allows you to read online, search for content, add bookmarks and notes, and send notes to other subscribers. We can also send updates to everyone who has a copy. The electronic version is designed for use on one computer and allows you to cut-and-paste the XML code samples into your own documents.

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Will IBM-Quark partnership help mainstream DITA?

Ann Rockley writes this week in CMS Watch about the partnership between IBM and Quark, which in their words brings "DITA to the masses." DITA is an XML content standard that enables you to reuse and repurpose content more easily. It was originally developed by IBM before being sent to OASIS where it became an official XML standard.

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Bluestream Releases XDocs 2.0, an Affordable DITA Component Content Management Solution

With Bluestream XDocs 2.0 released, there is finally an end-to-end true DITA component content management solution addresses the needs of documentation and other content creators, particularly in an uncertain economy.

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