DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.


Note: this page has been moved to http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/latest/.

Ant and XSLT Parameters to the DITA Open Toolkit

This page is a collection point for parameters in the core DITA-OT that can be set by tools or individual users running a build. Note: the main landing page for information about the toolkit is here: http://dita.xml.org/wiki/the-dita-open-toolkit

As you can see at this point, this item is just a starter page, with more information coming soon.

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Self-closing script tags and XHTML

Here's what I learned implementing the tagging script in the DITA-OT build. In order to preserve the <script ....></script> syntax you have to put something, but a no-op, between the tags:  

 <script ....> </script>

It remains to be seen whether the script will run and collect page load data. It should, but...if I had a dime for every time I'd said/heard that...


Keyref Example: Links from Glossary Entries

On the Really Strategies blog I have posted the first in an occasional series of examples of how to apply the DITA 1.2 keyref feature to specific real-world problems. The entry is here: http://blog.reallysi.com/2009/04/dita-keyref-example-links-from-glossary-entries.html

The DITA Caper

Seeking a DITA map presenter for DITA conference

I produced the first fully DITA conference in the US a few years back. Each year since then, I've had the pleasure to work on one or two DITA conferences per year.  For each, I pushed to ensure the conference provide a well-rounded user education experience.

So, one of my main tasks over the next week or so is to locate a speaker for a conference presentation on DITA maps.  A low-to-high technical presentation, maybe with a corny title -- cartography or navigation or something in the title. :-) 

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The DITA Caper

Introductions to XML, XSLT, and DITA offered at conference

The XML conference I'm producing covers many aspects of XML.  The audience is always varied, with engineers, gurus, newbies, managers, tech comm folks, IT folks, and others coming to learn and network.


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