Does DITA work well for technical support documents?
Hello group, forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong location. Not sure where this would belong.
I am a student enrolled in the Technical and Professional Writing program at San Francisco State and am writing a white paper about DITA.
The goal of my paper is to determine whether using DITA to create technical support documents is a successful solution and to what degree (i.e. some content works better than other content, pros vs. cons, etc.).
DITA Open Toolkit Workshop: Making it Work for You (Vancouver)
Interactive Workshops - Migrating Legacy Content to DITA
Research: Sequences in ODF
A sequence is an abstraction used to assign numbers to items of the same or similar type throughout a document. This page summarizes how sequences are defined by the OpenDocument standard. Much has been filtered out, but I believe this to represent a reasonably complete synopsis of the role of sequences in terms of both their function and their presence in an OpenDocument file.
The information on this page came from the first committee draft of OpenDocument Format v1.2, released Feb 16, 2009.
Research: Document Structure in ODF
This page collects information about how the OpenDocument text file format records structure in the document. Also included is information about how structural information is displayed. Much has been filtered out, but it is my belief that this subset represents the core of document structure in the OpenDocument text format.