DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

FREE WEBINAR: DITA for Enterprise Business Documents - with Michael Boses

25 Mar 2009 - 15:00 - 16:00
Event Type: 

Mylyn WikiText 1.0 Released

I'm pleased to announce that Mylyn WikiText 1.0 has been released as part of Mylyn 3.1. Mylyn WikiText provides lightweight markup (wiki) parsing and editing capabilities to the Eclipse platform, Mylyn, Ant and stand-alone applications, including transformations to OASIS DITA.

See the original article for details.

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DITA-OT 1.4.3 Release

DITA Open Toolkit version 1.4.3

DITA-OT 1.4.3 was released on March 18, 2009. DITA-OT 1.4.3 is a maintenance release which includes a number of bug fixes and enhancements. It is equivalent to DITA-OT 1.5 Milestone 12, and includes the same fixes and enhancements.

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Practical DITA Published

Contact:   Rod Siberine                                                                   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

               Tel: (908) 251-6084

               Fax: (908) 754-7555

               Email: rsiberine@sdicorp.com



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DITA adoption: statistics needed

Hello all,

I am preparing a half-day seminar on DITA for documentation managers and I want to stay away from all the technical details - as that will definitely scare them off. Instead, I need to talk business to them. I can invent business cases or find them through documentation companies I work with, but I would like to find statistics on what is spent on documentation and translation by large companies, just to give a background of the potential return on investment that we are talking about.

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