DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

Evaluation Guide for DITA OT

Let me first start off by thanking the
folks who read my post last week. It was heartening to see more than 290
“reads”. I decided to follow up with something more concrete this week. As I
mentioned earlier, the DITA OT User Guide is a treasure trove of information
and I am merely trying to reorganize the DITA topics in the guide into smaller
and usable chunks of information. While some of these chunks might end up as
guides, the others might end up as articles, FAQs, etc. To illustrate this. I
have begun work on an Evaluation Guide for MS Windows users.

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Setting up the Eclipse Help Infocenter for publishing Dita content

Creating a Stand Alone Eclipse Infocenter for DITA

The DITA Open Toolkit offers an actively maintained output for Eclipse Help. One of the features of this help system is that it can be deployed as a stand alone help server.

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DITA Conferences

There are several conferences, in North America and Europe, where you can meet with members of the DITA community.

Bright Path Solutions Conferences.

Bright Path Solutions conferences include

DITA 2007 East, DITA 2007 West,


and FrameMaker Chautauqua.


CIDM Conferences.

Center for Information Development Management conferences include

DITA North America,
DITA Europe,
and Best Practices.

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Installing the DITA Open Toolkit

Note: this page has been moved to http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/latest/. 

You can download and install the DITA Open Toolkit from SourceForge.net. Before you download, you should read a discription of the various DITA-OT Packages that are available.

Source Forge has a Home Page for the Open Toolkit, although most current user oriented information is located here on dita.xml.org.

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DITA architectural specification 1.1

The official specification of the DITA architecture is available from OASIS.

OASIS DITA Version 1.1. Architectural Specification

The architectural reference defines both a) a set of document types for authoring and organizing topic-oriented information; and b) a set of mechanisms for combining and extending document types using a process called specialization.

The specification consists of:

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