Arbortext as DITA editor?
Hi, I'm a tech writer and a new user of DITA. My company says that I can use any DITA editor I want and will buy me an editor (such as Arbortext) if I so choose. I'm wondering whether any of you have any feedback to give me on Arbortext vs. other DITA editors for creating on-line or Web-based Help. I know that JoAnn Hackos promotes the use of Arbortext, given that her new book on DITA uses Arbortext examples throughout.
Installing FrameMaker Adapter for DITA Open Toolkit
I am trying to install the FrameMaker Adapter for the DITA Open Toolkit. I was able to add the DITA-OT application to the file in my FrameMaker 8 installation, but when I tried to generate sample FrameMaker output (step 1.3 in the framemake_adapter_adapter0.8\FrameMaker_adapter\ReadMe.html file) with this command:
ant -Dargs.input="samples\sequence.ditamap" dita2fmxml
I received this message:
DITA Newsletter 1.8
KMWorld Magazine Lists® in the “100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management” for Second Consecutive Year
March 4, 2007 – Bedford, NH – ( today announced that KMWorld Magazine, a leading publisher for the e-content industry, has once again recognized them as one of the “100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management” for 2008. This is the second consecutive year that has received this prestigious award, which is compiled by knowledge management practitioners, theorists, analysts, vendors and their customers and colleagues.
Reuse 1.1
From DITA Europe 2007 - an overview of updated reuse capabilities in DITA 1.1