The DITA Maturity Model divides DITA adoption into six levels, each with its own required investment and associated return on investment.
Self on Help
"Airplane Help"
"Airplane Help" describes a technique whereby locally installed Help and server-based Help are integrated, so that a software application user is presented with server Help if he or she has an Internet connection, or local Help if not. The advantage of this approach is that the most current version of the Help is displayed if possible, but at least some form of Help is displayed when the user is "offline". Can DITA play a role in delivering Airplane Help?
UCSC DITA XML Intro course - assignment 2 - results with comments
- Review the presentation at
- Read section 3.1 of the DITA 1.1 architectural specification: - Read the description of <shortdesc> in the DITA 1.1 language specification:
JustSystems Makes DITA Maturity Model Available as Free Web Download
X-Pubs 2008 Announces 'Customer-Centric' Focus
The X-Pubs 2008 conference to be held in London on June 22-24 will focus on how Web 2.0, DITA, CMS and S1000D can re-invent your customer's content experience. "If you are going to invest in XML-related technologies such as DITA, Component Content Management (CCMS), S1000D, the customer experience should be high on the initiatives priority list." said Noz Urbina, XML Content Management Consultant and member of the topic-review board for X-Pubs.
JustSystems Named to KMWorld's 100 Companies That Matter
This is the eighth year of the KMWorld list, which is compiled by KM practitioners, theorists, analysts, vendors and their customers and colleagues.