DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

DITA Reuse Strategies

From STC 2005

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DITA XML.org Editorial Board meeting

13 Mar 2008 - 14:00 - 15:00
Event Type: 

DITA topic specialization: Analyze your content and build a specialized DTD

Many resources are available to explain what Darwin Information Typing
Architecture (DITA) topic specialization is and the syntax to implement
it, but you still might be wondering "I have some content that might be a
candidate for topic specialization. What's next?" This tutorial
walks you through a series of steps to evaluate your content's suitability
for different DITA topic types, specialize one of those types, and test
your specialization using the DITA Open Toolkit.

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DITA and wiki hybrids - they’re here

Lisa Dyer and Alan Porter presented at last week’s DITA Central Texas User Group meeting, and both told tales of end-user doc written and sourced in DITA, with wikitext in mind as an output. About 20 people attended and we all enjoyed the show. I wanted to post my notes to follow up, and I’ll post a link to slide shows as well.

This post covers Lisa Dyer’s presentation on a wiki sourced with DITA topics. I’ll write another post to cover Alan’s presentation.

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Short Descriptions for Tasks

What is a good short description for a task?

Some of the short descriptions indicated as "good" in the class assignments simply restated information that was in the short description of the related concept. The task's short description may have been written differently and in the imperative, but it was redundant information.

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