Presented at the XML 2007 conference, this tutorial provides a quick start introduction to the DITA specification with a focus on how to create and process DITA-based content as well as key DITA concepts including modular writing, re-use, linking using maps and relationship tables, and specialization. At the end of the class, students will be prepared to evaluate the applicability of DITA to their own documentation and publishing requirements and start experimenting with the authoring and production of DITA-based content using any XML editor and the DITA Open Toolkit.
Free White Paper: Extreme DITA - Leveraging Extensibility to Deliver Solutions
This paper presents some of the implementation experiences that Stilo has had with DITA over the last couple of years. What emerges from this review is a ringing endorsement of DITA as a fundamentally effective way to approach the most common, and frequently most exasperating, challenges associated with projects mandated with modernizing how documentation is created, managed and published. Three cases are included in this paper:
Free Test Drive DITA Webinar with Stilo Migrate 31.01.08 10am PST
Tip: Easy command line processing with the DITA Open Toolkit
This IBM developerWorks article describes how to use the DITA Open Toolkit to convert DITA documents to various formats without knowing any ant.
Is it posible to include variable-dynamic data?
I'm thinking to use DITA to generate technical (and safety) data sheet's for chemicals products. This documents are not too much big but there are about 30.000 products and 20 different languages.
Is it possible to include concepts that will be updated on the building process (e.g. color = red, list of ingredients, .... ).
Thanks in advance