From Eliot Kimber's XML 2007 Lightning Round Presentation: "DITA's specialization mechanism both enables sophisticated generic processing and effectively demands that tools provide it. That is, when presented with valid, conforming DITA documents, tools should "just work," applying all appropriate default DITA processing and behavior without any up-front configuration (with the possible exception of specifying the entity resolution catalog needed to resolve references to DTDs and schemas). Not many tools beyond the DITA Open Toolkit actually do just work. RSuite does.
Self on Help
Searching in Web-Based Help
When a DITA information set is transformed into a book, the deliverable is a self-contained. Its navigation devices (page numbers, TOC, index, cross-references) are constructed from the DITA source. Likewise, when a compiled Help deliverable is created, the navigation is constructed. However, a compiled Help file is typically read in a viewing program that allows full text searching; that form of navigation is provided by the viewing engine, and is not derived from the DITA source.
DITA Specialization Support: It Should Just Work
Test Drive DITA with Stilo Migrate
Stilo International Seeks Partners to Test Drive DITA
Stilo International recently announced the introduction of Stilo Migrate, a ground-breaking on-demand service set to dramatically simplify the migration of legacy documents to DITA or other single-source publishing environments.
Syncro Soft: oXygen XML editor
oXygen XML Editor combines an easy to use visual editor with a powerful code based editor thus covering the needs of both authors that do not want to see the tags and XML gurus that want to have full control over their markup.
DITA support comes built in consisting of