DITA XML.org is the official community gathering place and information resource for the DITA OASIS Standard, an XML architecture for designing, writing, managing, and publishing information. We encourage you to contribute content to this site.

DITA Version 1.1 Submitted to OASIS Members for Approval as a Standard

Members of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee have released an approved Committee Specification of the DITA 1.1 specification for consideration as an OASIS Standard. Statements of use have been provided by IBM, JustSystems (XMetaL), Flatirons Solutions, PTC-Arbortext, and Comtech Services, Inc. 

Version 1.1 of DITA is made up of four distinct units: an architectural specification, a language specification, and the DTD and Schema implementations of the language. Additional functionality in DITA 1.1:

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DITA Specialization Demonstration

Movie of a "live" version of DITA Specialization Tutorial, presented to the Central Texas DITA Users Group (CTDUG) by Eliot Kimber (aka Dr. Macro) of Really Strategies.

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GCN Insider: DITA to That

by Joab Jackson, Government Computer News

Service-oriented architecture aims to turn computational processes into services so they can be used for missions beyond their original scope. Now, an emerging Extensible Markup Language (XML) product promises to do the same for text. Developed by IBM and later released to OASIS as an open standard, the Darwin Information Typing Architecture, or DITA, is an XML Document Type Definition that can be used to mark up different sections of documents so they can easily be found later and reused in other documents.

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IXIASOFT sponsors new Aberdeen report highlighting the importance of DITA for technical documentation

Montreal, Canada – IXIASOFT, a leading provider in XML content management software, announced today it underwrote an Aberdeen report entitled “Publishing Technical Communications to a Multi-Channel World”. Aberdeen, a leading analyst firm, recently published this benchmark study which addresses key documentation challenges and analyses best-in-class organizations. The report also highlights organizational process and technology enablers that facilitate the delivery of high quality product documentation on-time and on budget.

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Keywords: why, where and when to use them

by Amber Swope of JustSystems

In DITA, the <keyword> element and the elements that are specialized from it contain text that has a unique or key-like value.

This article explains these elements in more detail and proposes guidelines for how to use them.

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