In anticipation of Michael Priestley’s presentations at X-Pubs 2007 we’re happy to present this free pre-conference online event!
DITA Infocenter
DITA Infocenter ( is a demonstration of online Eclipse Help that contains the DITA Language and Architectural Specifications (v1.0) and the 1.3.1 version of the DITA Open Toolkit User Guide, all in a single, searchable interface with a TOC and Index.
When the v1.1 DITA Specs are approved, they too will be included.
Free DITA Webinar: Michael Priestley - Developing Your Technology Strategy for DITA, May 3rd, X-Pubs
DITA Boot Camp
JoAnn Hackos’s Workshop Series announces the DITA Boot Camp workshop in Golden, Colorado June 4-8, 2007, Led by JoAnn Hackos and Sponsored by DocZone. Want to know why structured, topic-based authoring is the technical communication solution of the future? Been asking what DITA is really all about? Want to know if it's the right direction for your organization? Confused about how to get started?
DITA Boot Camp® Announces New Low-Cost License Structure
DocZone hosted XML DITA CMS now available for USD$10,000 until June 30, 2007