Frequently Asked Questions


Does any one know whether we could use DITA to generate HTML5 files? HTML5 now gains more and more support from major browsers. Can we customize the DITA Open Toolkit to do that?


Newbie question: How do you pronounce DITA ?

Do you say "D-I-T-A" or something else?



Using javascript with DITA

Hi All,

How to use javascript with DITA

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bookmap or ditamap?

I'm looking for some good reasons why you would want to use a bookmap instead of a ditamap.

Obviously, you use a bookmap if you wish to "to produce your DITA topics and even whole DITA maps as the content of a formally defined book. This allows you to produce not only maps for online deliverables, but also PDFs with the same content, replete with covers, formal notices and frontmatter, and so forth." (Source: DITA Architectural Specification v1.1).

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Pagebreaks in DITA


I have a question regarding rendering PDF from DITA using the DITA OT. 

DITA does not appear to have anything that supports page breaks which is what I need to generate.  

More specifically, I’ve got a figure (and figure title) that I’d like to display at the top of the next page.     I’m not identifying an attribute that forces the figure (and the title) to appear on the next page.    How is this handled in DITA?


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