Frequently Asked Questions

ToC in PDF with Arbortext editor

Anyone out there who can tell me how to a ToC in my PDF output?


I have a map that incudes some preface stuff and then I'd like a ToC before the actual content.

 I assume I will need to include an element of some sort, but I can't figure out which one.


Søren Weimann

thead variant – row label

The standard definition seems to assume that labels are always column labels that belong in a thead. So, what about a table where the labels belong to rows?

tel 02 753 69 xx fax 02 753 69 xx e-mail sita BRUB AFTN EBBR

In terms of structure, the cells in bold are labels identifying the content that follows.

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Steps and Step Result - Last Step Result at the Margin?

I am using DITA with XMetal. I have been told to move the last step result out to the margin following the last step. I have never seen any instruction written like this.


1. Do this.

2. Open the window.

    The window opens and displays whatever.

3. Select the whatever.

    The whatever is selected.

4. Click Close.

The whatever is saved.


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variables and entities

So ... in FrameMaker, I'm happy to replace things like product names and department names by variables; saves typing, increases accuracy and so on. How do I set about applying the same approach in DITA? for the time being, I'm working with a DITA-aware editor (XMLMind) to get a clearer idea of how things fit together.


Some of the definitions in a definition-list have clearly-defined attributions, for example ISO. It seems logical, if the goal is to produced a set of structured and searchable files, to use something like


[dt]name of term goes here[/dt]

[dd]definition of term goes here

[source]attribution goes here[/source]



[source] is clearly not the element to use here, though; nor is [author].

Any suggestions? Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I