Frequently Asked Questions

Getting started


I wanted to try DITA in developing the documents. I could not find any helpful source of information for beginners. Can anyone provide me a useful URL for a beginner?



task headings

When naming tasks, a technique I used and liked for a product I worked on was to name the heading “<noun>, <verb phrase>”.

My rationale is that users always know what object they are trying to work with, but they don’t always think with the same verbs in mind as the author. By putting the noun first, the tasks are automatically organized in the TOC by object and not by verb. The reader can then scan the TOC rather than having to read each task heading.

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Topic publishing and XREFs

Hi! I'm using xref to link another topic to the existing one; I use DITAOT to publish these topics using two ways: the first is to include both topics into the ditamap; the second is just to publish the first topic. The produced result is different: the link to the second topic is clickable and leads to the second topic included into the pdf as an internal element when a ditamap is used. But if I use just a topic for publishing the second topic is not included into the result pdf as an internal element.

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Marking up code samples

When documenting programming languages we commonly include code snippets within the documentation to illustrate how to go about doing something. In HTML this would usually include <PRE> or <CODE> tags to inform the browser that we want to see this snippet in a non-proportional font with the white space preserved.

However, modern programming tools go one better and now markup this text with colour to assist with readability. So, rather than just displaying a block of black text they display something like this:

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Writing First DITA Topic

Hello, I am using Oxygen Xml editor to write Dita files. I have started writing a new chapter from a book and I have written a dita topic first. how would I be able to view it in the internet explorer or in any other output as a final outcome. Also I would be glad if I can be with some good techniques. Thanks In Advance
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