Frequently Asked Questions
Translation Memory
We are planning to migrate our legacy html data to XML, and hopefully DITA. Legacy data was created in RoboHelp HTML 2002. A big issue is the impact on existing Translation Memory.
We do in-house translation into 12 non-English languages. Translators use SDLX Trados and related Trados tools (Tag Editor) to localize from English source. Translators have an enormous existing Translation Memory for each language.
How can I combine several topics into a single document?
What if my information doesn't break down into topics?
Most information can be broken down into topics (headings and content). However, if your information requires a more seamless flow of information across topic boundaries, don't use this architecture.
When should I specialize?
Create specialized topics when you have a restrictive category of topics that you want to keep consistent and that your users want to distinguish from other categories. Create specialized domains when you have a set of elements that you want available across several of your topic types. Be sure to specialize from the correct base: For example, categories of reference topics should specialize <reference>, categories of tasks should specialize <task>, and domain types should always specialize either <topic> or another domain type.