Archive - 2006
dita-users Yahoo Group
Need help with your DITA implementation? This is the group for you.
DITA links, info, event calendar, and (free) user group web hosting.
DITA Open Toolkit - SourceForge
The DITA Open Toolkit, or dita-ot for short, is a set of Java-based, open source tools that provide a "reference implementation" for processing DITA maps and topical content.
IBM developerWorks: DITA
IBM developed DITA to streamline their own document development and organization processes. This site provides information on numerous topics an insight that may help with your adoption of the DITA standard.
DITA OASIS Standard Gear
This site lets DITA enthusiasts show their support by ordering t-shirts, mugs, teddy bears, aprons, tote bags, and other items displaying the DITA OASIS Standard logo. Items are sold at cost; OASIS does not derive revenue from any purchases made.