Archive - 2007
Michael Priestley
MP: STC 2007 Day 2
A great opening keynote from honorary fellow Simon Singh, for his work on documentaries and books such as Fermat's Last Theorem. Some of the elements that stuck: the importance of storytelling, the importance of trust between the filmmaker and the subject, and the line between simplifying materials for general consumption versus distorting footage to misrepresent opinions.
Michael Priestley
MP: STC 2007 Day 1
Precis: weather nice, vendors many, Adobe resurgent, technical writers focus on technology, architecture, globalization, perhaps a little DITA here and there.
Weather: sunny, windy, hot. Got the chance to wander the sculpture garden after registering, also stuck my head in on Bernard Aschwanden's session on DITA XML and said hi, along with Robert Anderson, my co-presenter (the lead architect of the DITA Open Toolkit).
DITA-OT intgegration with alfresco
Can u pls guide me regarding integration of alfresco and DITA-OT.
How this would help in enhancing alfresco features.
Job Posting: DITA Trainer
DITA Infocenter
DITA Infocenter ( is a demonstration of online Eclipse Help that contains the DITA Language and Architectural Specifications (v1.0) and the 1.3.1 version of the DITA Open Toolkit User Guide, all in a single, searchable interface with a TOC and Index.
When the v1.1 DITA Specs are approved, they too will be included.