Hope to hear from you!
Tom Motzel
DITA was approved as an OASIS standard on 1 December 2010. You can download the DITA 1.2 specification from the official OASIS Web page.
<Add links to other key DITA 1.2 resources here>
A technical product needs documentation that helps the end user understand how the product is used to solve the needs, problems or requirements the user is facing. The documentation includes task information (as a DITA task topic) to instruct the user on how to do things.
But how does the technical communicator identify the user tasks? Let’s look at the traditional task analysis approach along with its challenges.
IBM, ISIS Papyrus America, Microsoft, and Adobe, Boeing, Cisco, Citrix, Comtech, Intel, Nokia, Oracle, PTC, Quark, SAP, SDL, US Department of Defense, U.S. Veterans Health Administration, and Others Advance Open Standard for Content Reuse and Multi-Channel Delivery