The DITA Caper
Monday-Tuesday DITA sessions in Raleigh, NC
This upcoming Monday-Tuesday, we'll have the following DITA presentation topics covered at the RealWorld DITA 2009 Conference: How DITA Changed the TechComm Landscape - Overview of DITA 1.2 - DITA and Publishing - DITA in an Agile Software Development Environment - DITA and Dynamic Publishing - DITADoclet tool - DITA Java API Solution/Benefits - DITA by the Bucketful (limited seating)- Collaboration Via Reuse - DITA in Action - Beyond DITA - DITA Toolkit - Case Studies - Web Services - Reliable Linking to Documentation Pages - DITA Reuse Strategy - Dynamic Content Del
FrameMaker EDD: Setting image position
When I import a graphic into my structured FM document, it centers the image. How can I modify the FrameMaker EDD to position anchored frames on the right by default?
In the EDD, I changed the "align" attribute in my Image element from "string" to "choice" and defined a list of choices (left, center, or right). When I import a graphic, I set the attribute value to "right, but of course it doesn't affect the graphic position because I don't know how to define "right" for FrameMaker.
Sf Bay Arbortext PTC/User Group - September 2009 Meeting
I'm a DITA newbie: Can I reproduce old structure or should I give it up?
We're moving from unstructured FM to Structured FM and DITA. Our procedures have always used this hiearchy:
Section 1
Part 1
Step A
In DITA, we'll be limited to two step levels. Do we need to throw out our old hiearchy and adopt a much more simple approach; for example: