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Which one is better to convert XML to DITA XML Python or java..?

Which one is better to convert XML to DITA XML Python or java..?


DITA Groups on The Content Wrangler Community

You can find a wide variety of groups that focus on DITA on The Content Wrangler Community, the global network for content professionals. Membership is free and requires online registration. Each group is moderated by an industry expert. Some of the most popular groups include:

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DITA Metrics: Developing Cost Metrics

You’ve read all the papers (and attended all the webinars) on return on investment (ROI) for XML and you get it. You’ve already concluded that moving to the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) will likely save you tons of time and money. But management says, “Prove it!”.

This paper helps you determine the cost portion of the ROI calculation. What are my costs now? What will my new costs be with DITA? And what is the difference—my savings?

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Michael Priestley

DITA visual editing in Eclipse with Vex

Just wanted to draw folks' attention to a new Eclipse project: Vex, a visual XML editor.

While they mention DITA as one of the goals for the project, I'm not sure that they have DITA skills currently on the contributing team, so I know they could use help.

If you're using Eclipse currently for DITA, or just like the idea of an open-source visual editor for DITA, I encourage you to go over and contribute your support in whatever way you can: encouragement, ideas, and most importantly the skills and time to help develop and document the new project. 

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DITA: It's Just XML

Over on the Really Strategies blog I've posted about the fact that DITA, while it has lots  of cool features that get a lot of us very excited, DITA can also be applied to the simplest applications. Because DITA, by dint of its unique features as a standard XML architecture, has the lowest possible cost of both initial implementation and long-term ownership, this makes DITA a compelling  business choice simply because it saves money and time relative to almost any other alternative you might choose.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I