Using DITA
Linking to another chunked topic
Hey folks.
I have the following bit of structure:
Top Topic chunk=to-content
--Subtopic A
--Subtopic B
--Subtopic C
Subtopics B and C are reference topics, and I want to link to them from the relevant point in Subtopic A.
I think that I can link <xref href="#top-topic-id/subtopic-B-id>, because at publishing the page id will be the top topic id?
Getting the merged.xml file of the pdf output process
According the this graph
there is a merged xml file after the topic merge when I want to publish as pdf.Is it possible to output that merged xml file without customizing the OT?
Links Broken
Why are all the links broken?....
I was trying to read some case studies about DITA but none of the links are working.
XMetaL check in vs case
I have an <xref> element whose href attribute is automatically turned to ALL CAPITALS when it's checked in.
How do I stop this happening? I need to preserve the case I entered or links don't work.
How do I add a summary or title attribute for simpletable or choicetable elements?
Our documentation requires HTML table tags to include summaries or title attributes for accessibility requirements, but I haven't been able to find an existing attribute that I use for this purpose. We are only using simpletable and choicetable. How have you addressed accessibility needs for tables in your documentation?