Using DITA
Installing FrameMaker Adapter for DITA Open Toolkit
I am trying to install the FrameMaker Adapter for the DITA Open Toolkit. I was able to add the DITA-OT application to the file in my FrameMaker 8 installation, but when I tried to generate sample FrameMaker output (step 1.3 in the framemake_adapter_adapter0.8\FrameMaker_adapter\ReadMe.html file) with this command:
ant -Dargs.input="samples\sequence.ditamap" dita2fmxml
I received this message:
Short Descriptions for Tasks
What is a good short description for a task?
Some of the short descriptions indicated as "good" in the
class assignments simply restated information that was in the short description of the
related concept. The task's short description may have been written differently
and in the imperative, but it was redundant information.
UCSC DITA XML Intro course - assignment 2 - results with comments
- Review the presentation at
- Read section 3.1 of the DITA 1.1 architectural specification: - Read the description of <shortdesc> in the DITA 1.1 language specification:
Problem with conditional exclusion
I am trying to use a .ditaval file to display conditional text:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<prop att="audience" val="user" action="exclude"/>
In my topic, I have an element defined thusly:
<p audience="user">Only display this text for admin users</p>
When I do my build in debug mode, it seems to resolve ant.input.valfile correctly:
Question: Why does one file overwrite the other file even if they were saved as different file names?
I use Epic Editor to create dita files. Here's a problem I came across recently:
I created a concept topic and saved it as c_admin.dita. While the file is still open, I saved it as another file c_client.dita and changed the concept id. I created a totally new content for c_client.dita and saved and closed it when I finished, believing I had two concept files now.